Thursday, August 25, 2016

Creepy Weird Green Giant Ad/Creepy Kid/ Creepy Mask

From 1945 comes "the Big Corn and Pea Man", and what I imagine will be a horrible rape or murder.

Then, not sure what this is but I'd guess it's French weirdness.  From 1948. Yeah, go ahead and put lipstick on your mask, cuz that's perfectly normal.

And here's this 1952 ad featuring a young sociopath who's eating his can of Pork and Beans before he commits his third murder of the day.

I guess this passed as cute back then...

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Vintage Burger King and Chicken Dinner Ads

I remember these ads from my early childhood...they're both from 1976.

Then we have a pretty funny Chicken Dinner Candy ad? What exactly is that? I'm not sure what year this came out.

Finally a funny photo of the Chicken Dinner-mobile. Sure, I'll totally buy your chicken-flavored candy from your chicken-shaped car...